Adding persistent MFA credentials in so you don’t have to keep putting in the virtual device 6 digit token with AWS SDK boto3

I’m working on a tool that parses through Amazon Web Services (AWS) and identifies which roles are used by which instances, since the AWS console doesn’t really do this very easily. I have an AWS account with MFA activated, so if I try to use the SDK, I have to validate the MFA before I can make any calls to the system. My last blog ‘Using MFA with AWS using Python and boto3got into the weeds of how to actually set up a way to input your MFA, but the problem at that point was that every time I ran the program, I had to input the MFA, so I started looking around for ways to store the credentials safely, so that they could be re-used if they hadn’t expired yet, because once you validate MFA it looked like to me the returned tokens were valid for 24 hours. So that said, I started chipping away at a way to persist the tokens so I only had to input the MFA if the token actually expired.

I went about this by making a class that instantiates when kicks off.

Starting a new project using PyCharm, using Python 3.8.2 the folder structure to start with will look something like this: is the bulk of it, but to make life easy on us I’ve separated out the AWS STS items, and I made a class to keep all of the STS calls in tidy order.

Because we need to persist the data, there are two ways I found I could do this, storing it either in the computers memory using a tool called Redis, or creating a file and storing the data in a file. I felt like the memory storage option would be more challenging, and in a way safer because accessing data from memory directly is more difficult than finding some text file with your tokens. That just felt like a security code smell. I think I may work on encrypting the tokens as they get stored in memory, but for now this will do.

My only beef with using Redis is that you have to run a local server to access the data in memory. I was hoping there would be a way to write to memory directly without running something like a server, and there likely is, but that’s beyond my skill level at this point. I’ll get there soon enough.

Head to the Redis Download page and get the latest stable version of Redis (or if you’re feeling frisky try the pre-releases or unstable versions). If you’re on Mac you can use Homebrew, follow these instructions:

brew install redis

That gets the server installed, to start the server, I was able to do it two ways. Open up your favorite terminal, I use iTerm2, and use one of these commands:

redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf


brew services start redis

I kind of like the first option more because it actually gives you some info on the server that’s started, returning this:

           _.-``__ ''-._
      _.-``    `.  `_.  ''-._           Redis 6.0.10 (00000000/0) 64 bit
  .-`` .-```.  ```\/    _.,_ ''-._
 (    '      ,       .-`  | `,    )     Running in standalone mode
 |`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'|     Port: 6379
 |    `-._   `._    /     _.-'    |     PID: 
  `-._    `-._  `-./  _.-'    _.-'
 |`-._`-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'_.-'|
 |    `-._`-._        _.-'_.-'    | 
  `-._    `-._`-.__.-'_.-'    _.-'
 |`-._`-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'_.-'|
 |    `-._`-._        _.-'_.-'    |
  `-._    `-._`-.__.-'_.-'    _.-'
      `-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'
          `-._        _.-'

Starting this using brew services doesn’t give you this info.

Ok so we’ve got our persistent memory storage server started, let’s dive in to the code. To start we need to get Redis installed in our project, so go to the terminal and install it using

pip install redis

Now let’s get the server connection instantiated in our code:

import redis

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

This gets the connection to server set up, using the default settings. Also, it’s important to add the charset and decode_responses as well as to use redis.StrictRedis() instead of redis.Redis() because this makes it so the get functions grabbing data from the server bring it in as proper strings instead of byte-strings in python. Otherwise you have to build a little function that decodes the utf-8 each time you want to get your keys from the Redis storage.

Now we need to start building our class that is going to kick off all the MFA nonsense. Because we’re going to be using boto3 at this point, we need to install it with pip ahead of time, or just add the code and right errors that pop on the import statement in PyCharm and import the needed packages. Installing boto3 will cover both boto3 and botocore.

import redis
import boto3
from botocore.client import BaseClient

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')

Notice I also added that import line about the BaseClient, I try my best to make sure things are strictly typed in python because I have found it really helps to understand what needs to go where in the bigger picture, so adding this BaseClient import gives me the ability to define that in the class property stsClient.

So what’s going on here? First we add the class with class Sts(), then I wanted it to have an active client as a property when this instantiates, so doing that you have to use the __init__(self): and then define it as the property. This reaches out to your AWS config file and starts the STS client using your access keys we already set up in the previous blog (*more info in this blog*).

Now I knew I wanted the session tokens accessible as a dictionary property so I can use them to instantiate a boto3.session.Session() instance eventually, so I need to instantiate that property in the class, as well as find a way to populate it with the necessary MFA validated tokens to pass on to other boto3 instantiations.

I started by making a private class function called __getSessionToken(self), and I had it get whatever MFA credentials were stored in the RedisDB, then using that to check if the MFA validation had expired, and if so, to reissue new certs asking for the MFA. The first step was adding the self.sessionTokens property to the class, and calling the __getSessionToken() to populate it’s value. There’s going to be a lot going on in this code, but we’ll break it down.

import redis
import boto3
from botocore.client import BaseClient

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')
        self.sessionTokens = self.__getSessionToken()

    def __getSessionToken(self) -> dict:
        Return {}

Ok so we’ve added lines 10, 12 and 13, for now it’s returning {}, an empty dictionary, until we build out the function. We’re going to need a way to get and set the MFA credentials in the redisDB, so that will be our next step.

import redis
import boto3
from botocore.client import BaseClient
from dateutil.parser import parse as DTparser

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')
        self.sessionTokens = self.__getSessionToken()

    def __getSessionToken(self) -> dict:
        currentCredentials = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()

    def __setRedisMFACredentials(self, credentials: dict):
        redisDB.set('AccessKeyId', credentials['AccessKeyId'])
        redisDB.set('SecretAccessKey', credentials['SecretAccessKey'])
        redisDB.set('SessionToken', credentials['SessionToken'])
        redisDB.set('Expiration', str(credentials['Expiration']))

    def __getRedisMFACredentials(self) -> dict:
        AccessKeyId = redisDB.get('AccessKeyId')
        SecretAccessKey = redisDB.get('SecretAccessKey')
        SessionToken = redisDB.get('SessionToken')
        Expiration = DTparser(redisDB.get('Expiration'))
        Credentials: dict = {'AccessKeyId': AccessKeyId,
                             'SecretAccessKey': SecretAccessKey,
                             'SessionToken': SessionToken,
                             'Expiration': Expiration}
        return Credentials

In the code above, we create a variable called currentCredientials and set it equal to our private function __getRedisMFACredentials. We’ve created two functions, a get and set to assign the values of a dictionary to redisDB. I went with these dictionary keys because they are identical to what is returned when you actually make the call to AWS using the STS client, which we’ll get to in a little bit. Now, if you’re wondering, why did we write code to get MFA credentials we haven’t stored in our redisDB yet, you’re not crazy, that’s correct. We haven’t gotten the values to actually store in the redisDB quite yet, but we’ll build this out, then put our first set of values in using a little hacky method I had to use mostly because I couldn’t figure out another way to get the intial data set into redisDB any other way. Hopefully it makes sense as we continue to build out the app here.

One thing to note is the 'Expiration' value, and the DTParser module used. When we get the value back from STS, Expiration is a datetime value, so we need to turn it into a string to store it in the redisDB, otherwise you’ll get some errors, and then to turn it back into a datetime object, DTparser is able to do it straight from the string value we get back from redisDB. Then after it’s parsed back into a datetime object, we put it all into the Credentials dictionary and send it on it’s merry way.

Next we need a way to check if the MFA creds we got from redisDB have expired or not, so to do this, we’ll add another private functions, which I called __isMFATokenExpired(self).

import redis
import boto3
from botocore.client import BaseClient
from dateutil.parser import parse as DTparser

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')

    def __getSessionToken(self) -> dict:
        currentCredentials = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()
        if (self.__isMFATokenExpired()):
            return {}
    def __isMFATokenExpired(self):
            return None

    def __setRedisMFACredentials(self, credentials: dict):
        redisDB.set('AccessKeyId', credentials['AccessKeyId'])
        redisDB.set('SecretAccessKey', credentials['SecretAccessKey'])
        redisDB.set('SessionToken', credentials['SessionToken'])
        redisDB.set('Expiration', str(credentials['Expiration']))

    def __getRedisMFACredentials(self) -> dict:
        AccessKeyId = redisDB.get('AccessKeyId')
        SecretAccessKey = redisDB.get('SecretAccessKey')
        SessionToken = redisDB.get('SessionToken')
        Expiration = DTparser(redisDB.get('Expiration'))
        Credentials: dict = {'AccessKeyId': AccessKeyId,
                                 'SecretAccessKey': SecretAccessKey,
                                 'SessionToken': SessionToken,
                                 'Expiration': Expiration}
        return Credentials

Now we’ve added the starter of a private method to check if the token has expired. Let’s focus just on __isMFATokenExpired():

import datetime
import pytz
    def __isMFATokenExpired(self):
        MFAExpirationDate = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()['Expiration']
        today = pytz.UTC.localize(
        if MFAExpirationDate < today:
            return True
            return False

Building out this function we have the MFAExpirationDate coming from grabbing JUST the value from the 'Expiration‘ key returned by __getRedisMFACredentials(). This returns a datetime value. We want to see if it’s expired to we’ll want to make sure that if today is greater than the expiration date, it has expired and it’ll return True, otherwise, it’ll be false. Note that we have to import datetime at the top of our, and a new module called pytz. This is because date times have two different modes, offset-naive, and offset-aware. As best I can tell, this just means it either includes the timezone information, or it doesn’t. If it’s naive, it’s without the datetime information, and if it’s aware, it includes datetime. When you create an object representing the moment it was created with, it is offset-naive. Using pytz.UTC.localize() changes it to offset-aware. You can get more info on this in this stack overflow article. Otherwise your code will error out.

Next, if the MFA Token we get from redisDB has in fact expired, we need a way to re-up our tokens, by capturing both our 6-digit virtual authenticator device, and we’ll need the mfa_serial value from the ~/.aws/config file. In addition to that, I wanted a way to make sure that the value we input was actually 6 digits long. We’ll focus on __getSessionToken(), completing the code to make all the magic happen.

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')
        self.sessionTokens = self.__getSessionToken()

    def __getSessionToken(self) -> dict:
        currentCredentials = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()
        if (self.__isMFATokenExpired()):
            mfa_token = input('Please enter your 6 digit MFA code:')
            mfa_serial = boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION._session.full_config['profiles']['default']['mfa_serial']
            if len(mfa_token) != 6:
                print('Your MFA token is not correct.', file=sys.stderr)
            sessionToken: dict = self.stsClient.get_session_token(SerialNumber=mfa_serial, TokenCode=mfa_token)
            updatedCredentials: dict = sessionToken['Credentials']
            return updatedCredentials
            return currentCredentials

Alright so building out the final bits of __getSessionToken() we’ve got it first checking if the token is expired with the function self.__isMFATokenExpired(). If it returns True it will then ask you to input your mfa_token from whatever authenticator app you’re using. Then it goes into the bowels of boto3 and retrieves the mfa_serial from using some trickery with the boto3 instance itself. Basically when I was in the debugger, I was able to find this value for us to use programmatically with the value boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION._session.full_config['profiles']['default']['mfa_serial']. This, unfortunately, is a bit of a no-no though, so because ‘_session‘ is a protected value, which is not really a best practice to have your program using protected values (at least that’s what I think). If anyone actually has a better way to get this information, please drop a comment and let me know. I actually opened a StackOverflow question on it, but as of the time of this writing, there hasn’t really been any valuable feedback on a better way.

With these values, you can then use the self.stsClient.get_session_token() to get new credentials with the MFA validated tokens, then spit those tokens into the redisDB for later use (using self.__setRedisMFACredentials(updatedCredentials)) so we don’t have to put in the MFA validation every single time we run our program, which was proving to be quite a pain in the butt after a while. Then it will return the credentials as a dictionary, and that sets self.sessionTokens.

Our final code looks like what we have below, and this will check our MFA, see if it’s expired, and then ask for new validation if it has expired, then we can use this to create a session in our main program with the MFA validated tokens in boto3

import datetime
import pytz
import redis
import boto3
from botocore.client import BaseClient
from dateutil.parser import parse as DTparser

redisDB = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True)

class Sts():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stsClient: BaseClient = boto3.client('sts')
        self.sessionTokens = self.__getSessionToken()

    def __getSessionToken(self) -> dict:
        currentCredentials = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()
        if (self.__isMFATokenExpired()):
            mfa_token = input('Please enter your 6 digit MFA code:')
            mfa_serial = boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION._session.full_config['profiles']['default']['mfa_serial']
            if len(mfa_token) != 6:
                print('Your MFA token is not correct.', file=sys.stderr)
            sessionToken: dict = self.stsClient.get_session_token(SerialNumber=mfa_serial, TokenCode=mfa_token)
            updatedCredentials: dict = sessionToken['Credentials']
            return updatedCredentials
            return currentCredentials

    def __isMFATokenExpired(self):
        MFAExpirationDate = self.__getRedisMFACredentials()['Expiration']
        today = pytz.UTC.localize(
        if MFAExpirationDate < today:
            return True
            return False

    def __setRedisMFACredentials(self, credentials: dict):
        redisDB.set('AccessKeyId', credentials['AccessKeyId'])
        redisDB.set('SecretAccessKey', credentials['SecretAccessKey'])
        redisDB.set('SessionToken', credentials['SessionToken'])
        redisDB.set('Expiration', str(credentials['Expiration']))

    def __getRedisMFACredentials(self) -> dict:
        AccessKeyId = redisDB.get('AccessKeyId')
        SecretAccessKey = redisDB.get('SecretAccessKey')
        SessionToken = redisDB.get('SessionToken')
        Expiration = DTparser(redisDB.get('Expiration'))
        Credentials: dict = {'AccessKeyId': AccessKeyId,
                             'SecretAccessKey': SecretAccessKey,
                             'SessionToken': SessionToken,
                             'Expiration': Expiration}
        return Credentials

Using MFA with AWS using Python and boto3

Alright, so in the journey of figuring things out the hard way, we’ll just get right into it. I’ve been working on finding a way in AWS to identify which service/resource instances are using what roles, so that we can start eliminating unused roles. AWS does a decent job of providing information, but there’s still a bit of a guessing game. So to solve this, I’ve started writing a little program in python3 that can hunt through the roles and identify which roles are using the roles, if ever. In addition to this, my company has MFA activated, so connecting to AWS requires the right tokens to even start making queries about roles and whatever else.

That said, let’s just get right into how to get the AWS SDK boto3 to connect to AWS using MFA with a virtual device, like Google Authenticator, or Twilio’s Authy app. This took me a bit to figure out because I’m a noob, so I’m writing this down in hopes of it helping other noobs out too.

The Python SDK to connect to AWS is called boto3. This has everything you’d need to connect and use AWS services from the CLI level, but using Python. We’ll start from the very beginning assuming you’ve never used any of this stuff before.

Continue reading

For AWS ARN omission syntax format, what do the colons mean next to each other?

AWS introduction page

Ok so I’ve been learning AWS, in particular the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. It’s hefty to say the least. One of the things that has been confusing is the policy JSON objects that can be used to allow or deny access or actions within AWS. In particular the ARN designation.

I want to get in to what each section is, and when it’s necessary to omit resources, and what it even means when you’re looking at something that looks like this:

  • arn:aws:s3:::MyBucket
  • arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/my-data/sales-export-2019-q4.json
  • arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/my-data/sales-export-????-q?.*

So first of all, there’s a general ARN layout that looks something like this:


Each chunk is separated by a colon, and in the examples of the S3 Bucket, you’ll see that there may be something like ::: in your ARN. This is because for some resources/services, various sections are allowed to be omitted. in the case of an S3 bucket, region and account-id can be omitted. This is different per resource, so S3 ARN rules are different than DynamoDB, which is different than EC2, and so on. You’ll want to look up the resources documentation to get the specifics on what’s allowed and what’s not, though sometimes it can still be a bit of a guessing game.

Seeing the colons next to each other was a bit confusing at first for me, but all it means is that those particular sections of an ARN can be omitted.

Epicodus Journal Prompt #2

Eh, better late than never huh? I figured i’d try to get some writing in because… why not?

This journal prompt from Epicodus is the following:

  • Think about asking for help in the classroom. Are there times when it’s easier or harder for you to ask for assistance from a peer? What about a teacher?
  • What factors make it harder to ask for help? Why do these stand in your way?
  • What can you do to minimize or eliminate these factors? In what ways could you practice sharing your problem solving process throughout the week?

Well let’s get started.

Continue reading

How to properly subscribe to a React Redux store

This is a cross-post from Medium.

So I don’t know exactly how or why the syntax here is so important, because my journey into coding has been relatively brief at this point, but I’m excited to share something I learned that caused me a lot of pain today, and will hopefully save someone else pain if they’re running into a similar issue.

If you’ve coded in React, and used Redux with it, you might have had the same steep learning curve I have had (and let’s be honest, I still have it at the time of this writing).

I was writing a simple fun app (Repo found here: Github) with my paired partner Phil Mass (Phil’s projects) for my Epicodus class that would be a quick Continue reading

Epicodus Journal Prompt #1

So I’ve been in school at Epicodus, first starting with night school, and now full time. And one of my buddies encouraged me to blog about my coding, so I’m trying to build a habit of blogging more about my experiences, both in school and out. One of the things they have at Epicodus is a journal prompt they ask you to write about every week. Having done night school, I jumped into the curriculum a bit later than the rest for full time because night school covered the first portion of full time. At this point figured I’d get into the journal prompts I would have done had I done the full time from the beginning.

It ends up looking something like this:

Week One Journal Prompt

Spend a few moments thinking critically about the following questions, and record brief yet honest responses. Remember to include a date or timestamp and a brief summary of the prompt to refer back to later.

  • Why did you make the decision to enroll in a coding bootcamp? What are you aiming to achieve by completing 27 weeks of technical training?
  • Do you already have specific goals for yourself in mind? If not, can you think of any now?

Well…. let’s just jump right in shall we?!

  1. Why did you make the decision to enroll in a coding bootcamp? What are you aiming to achieve by completing 27 weeks of technical training?
    • I’m going to start my own business. I have an idea for a data management platform that would help music venues do their booking more efficiently and effectively. I’ve got the name of it, I’m calling it “Solid Slate”, and I’m excited to build it now that I’ll have a foundational knowledge of coding.
  2. Do you already have specific goals for yourself in mind? If not, can you think of any now?
    • I do have specific goals in mind, I’m looking to learn as much as possible about coding so I can start building an MVP of the idea I have. It’s going to take a lot of grit to get it going, but I’m looking forward to it. So much so that I’ve already started on the framework of the site.

Thrilling I know. I will likely dive a bit more in depth on this in following journal prompts, and I’ve got several to catch up on at this point, but just putting this out here for solidarity’s sake.



Unit Testing DateTime using MSTest accurate

So I ran into an interesting problem today. I working on building a verification method to make sure that items pulled from a MySQL database are not duplicates. In most cases this is fine, until you try to do it using DateTime data types.

Unfortunately I can only speculate as to the root cause, but saving DateTime to a database, then pulling that supposedly identical entry from the DB and comparing it to what you just created in Unit Testing will fail a unit test making sure saving an object to a DB is in fact the same object you saved only Continue reading

Using MAMP and MySQL, logging in to MySQL command prompt after switching server ports.

I figured I’d write this down just so I have a record of it, and if it may be able to help other people. I ran into an interesting bug today.

For C# class at Epicodus, we use learn databasing using MAMP for persistent data storage. For those who don’t know what MAMP is, it’s basically a quick and easy way to set up a local database server for your coding projects to use.  There’s more to it than just that, but that’s the quickest easiest way I can explain it for now. I’m using MAMP on a PC with Windows 10, and I ran into an interesting Continue reading

The struggle of learning to code.

This is basically a quick story of what I’ve been up to and how I led up to quitting my job and how I’m not enrolled in one of those coding boot camp things. To be honest, struggle might be a bit of an understatement, it’s more like…. feeling like banging my head against the desk while simultaneously lurking through pages and pages of Stack Overflow where it feels like all answers to questions you’re reading are at a level that’s way beyond any beginners comprehension.

There appears to be a gap, a very large gap, between what you have available to learn online for free, and the real world. It’s incredibly intimidating to be honest. So far my journey with coding has been an interesting one I have to say. I got started with Udacity, but I wasn’t too fond of their teaching style until I ran into CodeAcademy. I dig the way they teach, it appeared to be the most straightforward. I completed many of the languages in CodeAcademy, including Python, Ruby, and SQL. From there a friend of mine suggested C# which I’ve decided to really dive into, but I have to admit, C# is a total bear compared to those other languages I just mentioned.

Then once completing lessons in CodeAcademy, or Udacity, or any of the other online learning things, the question becomes how do I start applying this to the real world. A day browsing through Stack Overflow will enlighten any noob coder to the vast depths of coding knowledge that they’ve merely begun to scratch the surface on. My thoughts about this point, after completing free online learning, were “How do I actually apply what I’ve learned to a real life scenario?!”

To be honest, it seemed kind of hopeless, except for one resource I’ve found to be very helpful, HackerRank. This site gives you PLENTY of practice in several different languages, but in particular I found it to be a great resource to learn C#, especially if you do their beginning 30 Days of Code challenge. Even after getting through that, there still appeared to be a big gap in what I knew, and how to go from that to a fully functioning website.

The final step I’ve taken to seal the deal on my coding learning was signing up for a coding boot camp, of which I chose Epicodus.  It’s based in Portland, tuition wasn’t totally insane, and of all the people I talked to about different code camps in town, they all tended to recommend this one as the best. There was another spot I was looking into in town called Thinkful which offered a lot more in terms of night school options, which meant I didn’t have to quit my job. When I laid it all out on the table though, I felt Epicodus would be the best option, because the financial commitment of quitting my job would put me in that kind of situation where I have no option other than completing it. I felt like night school would have been far too ‘optional’ in my mind. Now that I’m in school full time, the struggle is in full effect, and every day it’s a grind, a good one, to make sure we’ve learned PILES of information about C#, Unit Testing, MVC frameworks, and just now we’re getting into database tech and code. I think I’ll write soon about what I’ve learned.

A new priority in life, quality over quantity, always.

As I’ve been listening through Leaders Eat Last for the second time, a wonderful book written by Simon Sinek, I found myself listening with an increased sense of anxiety. Maybe it’s the faint smell of pollen in the air, mercilessly attacking my allergies? No, it’s that the subject matter in this book hits home so hard. In it, Simon addresses the core tenets of true leadership, and in the simplest sense a true leader, according to him, is someone who Continue reading